The Dead Meat Wiki

Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 2 hours ago

The Michael Rosen 69th Birthday Collab (2015) KILL COUNT

It's too long, I was impatient and I got occupied on too many things when making this.

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 DiabeetusPlams
    • 1.2 Mr. Struts
    • 1.3 Dave Klasnakov
    • 1.4 Nintendom64
    • 1.5 SerialK86
    • 1.6 Roymcgeeters
    • 1.7 ZIGGS03
    • 1.8 ZeroTyrant
    • 1.9 Graduater15
    • 1.11 AspectGamingOfficial
    • 1.12 RandomAxe
    • 1.13 Olvianslply
    • 1.14 Ron Mad
    • 1.15 DynoNoob
    • 1.16 Ryan YTP
    • 1.17 Bomber680
    • 1.18 Im2awsmYTP
    • 1.19 DrHotelMario
      • 1.19.1 iSkinnedtheCat
    • 1.20 Jacob wagner
    • 1.21 SkulY2K
    • 1.22 WRZESZCZ
    • 1.24 TehShadzify
    • 1.25 TheTrainsImean:
    • 1.26 DylanCliff111
    • 1.27 Kulu Otaku
    • 1.28 Babchak
    • 1.29 Non-Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Michael Rosen - Shot by his dad - 5:41

  1. Michael Rosen (Again) - Exploded by his own tea? (I don't know if it's that or it's coming out of his mouth) - 10:09

  1. Michael Rosen (3rd Time) - Smas…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 1 day ago

Bringing in the Dead (2010) KILL COUNT

Episode 17 of 1000 ways to die. The Michael Rosen 69th Birthday Collab will come out tomorrow.

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Not-Counted
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Larry - Inspired by the death that inspired Charli's death (Killed after sticking his head out of the window of the car Amos was driving, resulting in him getting decapitated by a mail box)
  2. Natasha - Accidentally hanged herself after the scarf she was wearing got stuck in a ceiling fan.
  3. Unnamed Man - I AIN'T NO LADY!!! (Punched in the head by Bobby "Sledgehammer" Jones in self defense)
  4. Jasper - Bro stub his toe and succumbs to it (Died of septic shock after breaking his toe)
  5. Brett - Died of an asthma attack after Suzette had him smell multiple different spices, not knowing he had asthma.
  6. Sheldon - Burned alive afte…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 2 days ago

Putting a Happy Face on Death (2009) KILL COUNT

Episode 16 of 1000 ways to die. Was gonna do the 69th Birthday Collab Killcount Blog today to keep it weekly but lots of stuff got in the way of it so I'd save the rest for later.

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Non-Counted Deaths
  • 2 Deaths
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. The Creep - Killed after he slipped and impaled his head on a high pressure nozzle, which fills his head with water until it exploded.
  2. Maldito - Cock (Throat accidentally slit by El Calliente with a razor)
  3. Cynthia - Drowned to death in her own vomit after a thief with halitosis breathed in her face.
  4. Spud - OMG HE'S DEAD!!! (Accidentally bled to death after slamming his head into a wall)
  5. Warren - No-Scope bitch (Accidentally shot in the head by a booby-trapped shotgun that he set up himself while sleepwalking)
  6. Geezer and Trip …

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 3 days ago

Up With Death (2009) KILL COUNT

Episode 15 of 1000 ways to die. Hopefully you don't went in this episode to watch gory onscreen deaths.

  1. Unnamed Man - Killed after Chelsea accidentally caused him to hit his head on an MRI machine.
  2. Sean - Impaled through the chest on an agave plant after falling on top of it.
  3. Joe - Killed after he was impaled by hundreds of razor sharp needles of a much smaller Saguaro that pierce his brain through the eye.
  4. Terri - Died of her injuries after falling off a motorcycle.
  5. Unnamed Woman - Died of unspecified causes off-screen.
  6. Mason - Skull crushed by a coffin after getting in a car accident.
  7. Gomer - Shot to death by multiple unnamed people in self defense.
  8. Mario (Not the Nintendo Mascot) - Neck accidentally slashed by an unnamed man.
  9. Private Mikhail - Ble…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 4 days ago

The Michael Rosen 68th Birthday Collab (2014) KILL COUNT

So close to the Modern YTPs.

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 GabrielCol595's submission
    • 1.2 BarryTwice's submission
    • 1.3 Rackablestrath's submission
    • 1.4 Steel2612's submission
    • 1.5 e-Yay's submission
    • 1.6 SerialK86's submission
    • 1.7 FatMonkeyUK's submission
    • 1.8 Sire's submission
    • 1.9 DylanCliff111's submission
    • 1.10 WonkyTonkBotty's submission
    • 1.11 RandomAxe's submission
    • 1.12 Eletronic2yearold's submission
    • 1.13 DaftbutnotPunk's submission
    • 1.14 t00lishness's submission
    • 1.15 11JackanYTP's submission
    • 1.16 SkulY2k's submission
    • 1.17 Space Ape's submission
    • 1.18 ThePlamzJoker's submission
    • 1.19 Non Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Michael Rosen - Died of Big Cock (No Kidding) - 6:31
  2. Rewind Rosen and Michael Rosen (Again) - Exploded - 7:22
  3. Michael Rosen (3rd Time) - Really, Again (Exploded) - 7:25

  1. Michael Rosen (4th …

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 4 days ago

Death Bites! (2009) KILL COUNT

Episode 14 of 1000 ways to die.

  1. Ray Roberts - Accidentally suffocated to death after "Big Bess" passed out on top of him.
  2. Max Beers - OH MY GOD MY FART KILLED YOU!!! (Accidentally burned to death by Arnold)
  3. May - Hah, Clutz (Hit her head on a wall after falling down a flight of stairs)
  4. Mort - Eaten alive by rats.
  5. Claude - Weeaboo's Dream (Killed after Fifi accidentally turned off his respirator)
  6. Two Unnamed Male Mobsters - Blown up by Mario Bolusi with a grenade.
  7. Cole - Died of a heart attack after he, Janine, and his mistress all put three Viagra pills each into his drink.

8 people died in this 1000 ways to die episode with the victims consisted of 7 males and only 1 female since the others were too busy fucking the victims to die.

  • I'll give the G…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 5 days ago

The Michael Rosen 67th Birthday Collab (2013) KILL COUNT

I think that went well.

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 ws81218's Submission
    • 1.2 HyperToaster's Submission
    • 1.3 SerialK86's Submission
    • 1.4 Shadowluigi64's Submission
    • 1.5 Meleemario720's Submission
    • 1.6 DylanCliff111's Second Submission
    • 1.7 ROBGBA's Second Submission
    • 1.8 Nintendom64's Submission
    • 1.9 CaptainPlums's Submission
    • 1.10 Non-Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Link - Shot in the face by Michael Rosen - 16:08

  1. Man Wanting Jacket - Shot by Michael Rosen offscreen - 24:41 (Shot Heard)
  2. Police Officer - Hit by a Rosengan and landed on a shop filled with knives offscreen - 26:44 (Rosengan sound effects heard)

  1. Michael Rosen - Killed himself offscreen in a dream - 34:31 (Revealed by Text)

  1. Michael Rosen (Again) - Killed by the Wiggles offscreen during the time we watch the tape - 42:16 (revea…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 5 days ago

Death On Arrival (2009) KILL COUNT

Now We're going into season 2 of 1000 ways to die

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Not Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Connie - DeviantArt's gonna like this (Bled to death after her breast implants exploded)
  2. Bernie - Killed after his friend Casar wrapped a rope around his waist and drove him around on a forklift, leading the rope to get stuck under a tire, slicing him in half.
  3. Fiona - I can show you the world (Skull crushed after falling off of a mountain and onto a building)
  4. Abdul & Habeeb - DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME!!! (Accidentally blew themselves up with a block of C4)
  5. Máel Brigte - Decapitated by Earl Sigurd Eysteinsson the Mighty in battle.
  6. Earl Sigurd Eysteinsson the Mighty - Died of an unknown infection.
  7. Sasha - Accidentally choked to death on candy.
  8. Stan - Killed af…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 5 days ago

The Michael Rosen 66th Birthday Collab (2012) KILL COUNT

Decided to do this since I binged alot of Michael Rosen YTPs alot.

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 DiabeetusPlams's Submission
    • 1.2 MamaLuigi005's Submission
    • 1.3 youthboy14's Submission
    • 1.4 ProfesserCheeseBall's Submission
    • 1.5 ytpguy77's Submission
    • 1.6 Non-Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  • May - Headshotted by Michael - 2:40
  • Us - Killed by Michael after we fell for his trap - 4:13

  • Michael's Mother - Shot to death by Michael & Brian - 7:55 (Visualized)

  • Michael - Am I allowed to count that? (Exploded?) - 28:23

  • Michael (Again) - Again, Should I do that? (Vaporized?) - 33:17

  • Brian - Shot by Michael - 36:24

  • Brian - Murdered by Michael in MamaLuigi005's submission (Not Visualized)
  • George - Slapped by Michael in RenaissanceCrab's submission (Not Confirmable)
  • Joana - Died of Unknown Causes (…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 8 days ago

I See Dead People (And They're Cracking Me Up) (2009) KILL COUNT

Final Episode of 1000 ways to die Season 1.

  1. Patrick - Died of internal bleeding after jumping into a lake off of a cliff.
  2. Chuck - Died of a heart attack after laughing to hard.
  3. Yoshi Nakamura - Died of an Aneurysm after accidentally head butting his potential boss.
  4. Scott Randall - Killed by an unknown person with a lethal injection.
  5. Zack Taylor - Accidentally choked to death on a hotdog.
  6. Lucas - Accidentally electrocuted himself to death while having sex with a cow's heart as it was attached to a car battery.

6 people die in the final 1000 ways to die episode of Season 1, All of them men ended this Season with a Blueberry Pie. Now for the Season total, I counted about 80 deaths in this season with 65 men and 15 women.

  • Not enough options for the Go…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 8 days ago

Death: A User's Manual (2009) KILL COUNT

Episode 11 of 1000 ways to die

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Non-Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Dave "The Egg" Vespucci - Killed after his girlfriend Aubrey punched him in the stomach on his request, causing his stomach to burst.
  2. Mike Arms - Died of a heart attack after injecting himself with steroids.
  3. Tricia - Accidentally ran over by Chet with a car.
  4. Patty - Died of leptospirosis after a rat bit his leg and then urinated on his wound.
  5. "The Dangler" - Died of a massive stroke after accidentally getting hung upside down.
  6. Fred Garfield/"Laughy the Clown" - Suffocated to death after an inflating balloon pushed him up against his car's door window.

  • Fernando - Died after accidentally spraying over his wound with spray paint.

6 people died in this 1000 ways to die episode…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 8 days ago

Cure for the Common Death, Part I (2009) KILL COUNT

Episode 10 of 1000 ways to die

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Non-Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Bernie - Accidentally blew his own face off with fireworks (Red, White, and Blew)
  2. Pierre - Bled to death off-screen after he willingly swallowed metal objects, causing his stomach too rupture (Bank Ruptured)
  3. Li - Accidentally fell out of a window while jumping on his bed (Guitar Zero)
  4. Feng - Committed suicide by jumping out of a window (Guitar Zero)
  5. Wendy - Died of bone cancer after unknowingly putting radioactive paint on herself (Radium Girls)
  6. Taylor & Conrad - Killed after snorting fire ants, causing them to poison and suffocate them to death (Oz Holed)
  7. Sandy - Killed after an unnamed maintenance worker opened the decompression chamber she was in, causing the nitrogen …

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 9 days ago

Death Be Not Stupid (2009) KILL COUNT

Episode 9 of 1000 ways to die.

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Non-Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Cisco - Burned alive after accidentally pouring gasoline all over himself and the fire he was next to (Gas-Hole)
  2. Hiroto and Sikura - Died of a heart attack because of the shock of finally having sex with each other (Ichi-boned)
  3. Jake Basso - Burned alive after his friend Manny accidentally turned on the industrial oven he was sleeping in, not knowing he was inside (Jake N' Baked)
  4. Darlene - Died after her organs were eaten by tape worms she willingly swallowed (Die It)
  5. Mickey - Neck snapped after his paintball gun malfunctioned and launched its CO2 canister into his neck (Pain Gun)
  6. Randall - Accidentally electrocuted himself to death after stepping on a piece of metal whil…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 9 days ago

The Good, The Bad, and the Dead (2009) KILL COUNT

Episode 8 of 1000 ways to die.

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Not-Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Tracey - Died of Sepsis after accidentally cutting her leg with a rusty razor (Face Offed)
  2. Jake - Accidentally shot in the chest when a snake wrapped itself around his rifle's trigger and squeezed down on it (Re-Coiled)
  3. Carmen - Died of hypothermia and blood loss after being bit by leeches whilst hiding from the police in a lake (Suck Offed)
  4. Griff - Crushed to death after being buried under garbage (Re-Formed)
  5. Kathy - Accidentally choked to death on a fish (Fin-Ished)
  6. Lucky Levison - Bled to death after accidentally melting his rectum with pepper spray (Butt Plugged)

  • Fish - Eventually died after becoming trapped inside Kathy's throat (Fin-Ished)
  • Wendy Fisherman - Dragged u…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 9 days ago

The Lighter Side of Death (2009) KILL COUNT

Episode 7 of 1000 ways to die.

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Not Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Chester - Suffocated to death on methane gas after accidentally being buried by an unnamed man with a large pile of manure (Dung For)
  2. Monica & Hans - Died after contracting parasitic blood worms that ate away at their brain (Brain Worms)
  3. Dolph Scott - Accidentally shot in the neck by his ex-girlfriend Mandalite (Abracadaver)
  4. Two Unnamed Men - Died of pulmonary edema after smoking poison sumac leaves (Weed Whacked)
  5. Private Willie Holmes - Died of a heart attack after being frightened by a firing squad (Rebel without a pulse)
  6. Donny Del Noche - Died of a pulmonary embolism after cutting off his blood flow with a kielbasa tied to his leg (Kill Basa)

  • Jack - Bled to death after…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 9 days ago

Death Gets Busy (2009) KILL COUNT

Starting back up the 1000 ways to die train

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Not Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Angry Ed - Pushed into a vat of hydrochloric acid by his foreman in self defense, causing the acid to melt his entire body (Deep Fried)
  2. Natasha - Killed after her stomach burst from over eating (Gorgeous Gore)
  3. Phil Harden - Accidentally killed himself by over inflating a tire which explodes and impales his skull with shrapnel (Re-Tired)
  4. Debbie - Injected with bad Botox by a fake doctor and is completely paralyzed when she steps into her hot tub and drowns in just three feet of water (Botoxicated)
  5. Carl & Lenny - Suffocated on cocoa powder when it filled their lungs (Choke-A-Lot)
  6. Mr. O'Brien - Died of radiation poisoning after his doctor, Dr. Montana, has sex …

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 15 days ago

Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker (1982) KILL COUNT

Incest is the key.

  1. Bill Lynch Sr. - Decapitated after crashing his car into a logging truck - 2:12
  2. Anna Lynch - Incinerated after Bill's car falls off a cliff and explodes - 2:40
  3. Phil Brody - Stabbed in the neck by Cheryl Roberts with a kitchen knife - 17:23
  4. Chuck Strang - Decapitated by Cheryl Roberts off-screen, body and severed head shown - 1:16:10 (Head Reveal)
  5. Margie - Stomach slashed open by Cheryl Roberts with a machete - 1:17:48
  6. Sergeant Cook - Hand cut off and throat slit by Cheryl Roberts with a machete - 1:18:51
  7. Cheryl Roberts - Impaled through the gut by Billy Lynch with a firepoker - 1:26:00
  8. Detective Joe Carlson - Shot to death by Billy Lynch with his own gun - 1:29:09

8 people die in Butcher, Baker, Nightmare Maker which could have b…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 19 days ago

BANNED VIDEO/We Finally Released Our Banned Video (2011) KILL COUNT

I wonder what the actual title for this is?

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Non-Counted Deaths
  • 2 Deaths
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Anthony Padilla - Drown in a dog bowl - 1:02
  2. Girl Scout - Punch'd by Ian - 1:34
  3. Jogger - Hit by a Box thrown by Ian - 1:38
  4. Pizza Guy - Hit with Pizza Box by Ian - 1:49
  5. Robber - Punch'd by Ian - 1:54
  6. Richard Simmons Lover - Shot by Ian 6x times - 2:02
  7. Burrito Guy - Strangled to death with Burrito by Ian - 2:51

  • Brian Rassmussen - Poisoned by Ian with Mercury (Revealed to be alive the whole time)

7 people died in this never before published Smosh video since again, Brian was just faking his death. The victims consisted of 6 males and 1 female giving us a pie chart version of that White girl sitting with Black men around her meme. With a runtime of 3 minutes and 55 …

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 24 days ago


The Ghost made me do this kill count.

  1. Anthony Padilla - Accidentally stabbed in the head with Scissors by Ian - 0:59
  2. Old Man Blumpkins - Died from a Heart Attack offscreen - 2:10 (Body Revealed)
  3. Ian Hecox - Killed in Text n' Driving accident prior to the skit - 2:44 (Shown in Flashback)

Only 3 people died in the Skit, All men since the only lady in the skit was just a crazy bitch who worried about ghosts instead of scams. With a runtime of 4 minutes and 5 seconds gives us a kill on average of 1 minute and 57 seconds

  • I'll give the Golden Chainsaw for coolest kill to Anthony I guess since it's the only onscreen kill and it's with a Scissors to the head, Good enough.
  • Dull Machete for lamest kill will honestly go to Ian cause even though the twist i…

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DeadMeatFan1500 DeadMeatFan1500 24 days ago

Personal Golden Chainsaw/Dull Machete Award Predictions For Movies That Haven't Been Covered Yet

A few people were doing this, so I decided to do the same. Enjoy!

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DeadMeatFan1500 DeadMeatFan1500 27 days ago

Mr. Crocket (2024) KILL COUNT

|uploaded:=January 24th, 2025|golden_chainsaw:=Bill |dull_machete:=Jerrel Beverly }}

Mr. Crocket (2024) KILL COUNT is the N/A video of the The Kill Count.

  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Deaths
    • 2.1 Counted Deaths
    • 2.2 Non-counted deaths

In 1993, young Darren Harper became obsessed with Mr. Crocket's World, a children's television series hosted by the titular Mr. Crocket and his puppets Boogaloo Blue and Squawky Bird. The show's VHS tape was in a free library outside his home. During dinner, Darren's stepfather Kevin verbally abuses him until Mr. Crocket emerges from the television. He kills Kevin and dissappears with Darren, leaving his mother Rhonda horrified by the gruesome scene.

One year later, Summer Beverly struggles to manage her disobedient son Major in the wake of her husband Je…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 26 December 2024

Gutterballs (2008) KILL COUNT

Rape rape rape rape rape rape rape rape

  • Julia - Smothered to death by Egerton.
  • Dave - Smothered to death by Egerton.
  • Sam - Bowling pin rammed down his throat and penis cut vertically in half by Egerton with a switchblade.
  • Ben - Stabbed in the eyes by Egerton with a sharpened bowling pin.
  • Cindy - Strangled by Egerton with a shoelace.
  • Hannah - Skull crushed by Egerton with two bowling balls.
  • AJ - Face melted inside a bowling ball polisher by Patrick.
  • Joey - Decapitated inside a bowling pinsetter by Patrick off-screen, body seen.
  • Steve - Sharpened bowling pin rammed into his rectum and then beaten to death by Lisa with a bowling pin.
  • Patrick - Throat slit by Edgerton with a switchblade.
  • Egerton - Head shot off by Jamie with a shotgun.
  • Lisa - Shot in the …

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 25 December 2024

Personal Favorites For every Kill Count Killer.

Basically every favorite kill from a killer featured on the Kill Count. If there's multiple/no killers at all, Then I'll put a franchise overall favorite.


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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 25 December 2024

Red Christmas (2016) KILL COUNT

Talk about a Red Christmas.

  1. Unnamed Male Farmer - Penis ripped off and head forced by Cletus onto a table saw off-screen.
  2. Hope - Vertically cut in half from behind by Cletus with an ax.
  3. Scott - Top of his head cut in half from behind by Cletus with an ax.
  4. Joe - Strangled to death from behind by Cletus with a seat belt.
  5. Unnamed Male Sheriff - Throat and back of his head stabbed and crushed by Cletus with a bear trap.
  6. Peter - Eyes burst and exploded after having the back of his head shredded by Cletus with a broken blender.
  7. Jerry - Accidentally blasted in the chest by Diane with a shotgun.
  8. Suzy - Stabbed through the back of the eye by Cletus with an umbrella.
  9. Ginny - Stomach sliced open by Cletus with a kitchen knife.
  10. Diane - Committed suicide by jump…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 24 December 2024

Personal Favorites For Kill Count Movies/Movies I watched

Stole it from @JamesBames37 who inturn stole it from @Brandon Edgar and @A12345678 so yeah, No originality for blogs.

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 23 December 2024

Hell Night (1981) KILL COUNT

Alpha Sigma Rho? Does this movie take place in the 2020's?!

  1. May West - Decapitated with meat cleaver by Andrew - 27:52
  2. Scott - Neck twisted 360 degrees by Andrew - 35:49
  3. Peter Bennett - Stabbed in the chest with a scythe by Andrew - 48:09
  4. Denise Dunsmore - Slit from neck to chest offscreen by Andrew - 1:19:17 (Body Reveal)
  5. One of the Garth kids - Shot by Seth by Andrew - 1:26:59
  6. Seth (Not West) - Shot Offscreen by Andrew - 1:28:20
  7. Jeff Reed - Tossed out a window by Andrew - 1:31:23
  8. Andrew Garth - Impaled by fence post by Andrew - 1:36:50

8 people died in Hell Night, Meaning we have 8 Sigmas gone (God I can't believe that the group is called that). The victims consisted of 6 males assuming the Monster who I think is a Garth? is a male and 2 females …

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 22 December 2024

Fatal Games (1984) KILL COUNT

What if Sleepaway Camp took place in the Olympic Tryouts

  1. Nancy Wilson - Spear in the gut with a Javelin - 16:48
  2. Sue Allen Baines - Spear in the stomach with a Javelin - 25:22
  3. Joe "The Red Herring Guy" Ward - No-scoped through the chest with a Javelin - 36:07
  4. Lynn Fox - Stab in the gut with a Javelin - 1:01:12
  5. Frank Agee - Stab in the back with a Javelin - 1:15:39
  6. "Diane" Paine - Fell onto a Trophy, impaling HIM through the chest - 1:24:24

6 people died in Fatal Games, The same amount of awards I didn't get in the Olympics. Probably because I'm a lazy piece of shit. The victims included 3 females and 3 males cause spoiler alert, Diane was actually a male guy who disguised himself as a woman to compete in the Olympics. With a runtime of 88 minutes gives…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 22 December 2024

Tom Scott Returns (2024) KILL COUNT

Need to go in the piss tank

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Non-counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Random person - Hit by Tom Scott with a car - 0:07
  2. Tom Scott - Crashed his car - 0:08
  3. Tom Scott (Again) - Crashed his car in a tunnel - 0:17
  4. Tom Scott (3rd Time) - Grinded in the Piss Tank - 0:41
  5. Random Guy & Tom Scott (4th time) - Collided into each other in a fast pace - 0:58
  6. Venom Spider man - Exploded with Pipe bombs - 1:30
  7. Tom Scott (4th Time) - Faded out of existence - 2:38
  8. Tom Scott (5th Time) - Crushed by 2 Tom Scotts - 3:13
  9. Fat Guy from GTA - Sniped by Tom Scott - 3:50

  • Tom Scott - Disappeared from the smoke (Most likely ninja vanish'd)

10 people died in Tom Scott Returns with 9 males (Assuming the venom spiderman was a dude) and 1 unknown crash victim giving us a blue b…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 21 December 2024

Body (2015) KILL COUNT

Just tell the truth at this point okay.

  1. Arthur - Tumble down the stairs, Asphyxiated by Cali with a Pillow - 54:57
  2. Cali - Beaten to death with Table leg by Melissa & Holly - 1:03:19

Only 2 people died in Body, Which used to be the bare minimum for a Kill Count until Creep out right destroy that rule. 1 man and 1 woman died so in a technicality, we have a balance gender split. With a runtime of 75 minutes gives us a kill on average of 59 minutes and 8 seconds.

  • I'll give the golden chainsaw for the coolest kill to Arthur since his is the most onscreen here plus the whole journey with him presumably dying only to wake up then get taken out to keep the fake story working is a great rollercoaster journey on itself.
  • Dull machete for lamest kill is Ca…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 21 December 2024

Shelly Season 2 (2019) KILL COUNT

So much for a High School Reunion.

Oh, Shelly died by being strangled by Celine Becker. Not counting her again but I maybe need to fix my errors.

  1. White-haired Stranger - Crowbar to the back, Neck slit - 5:39 (Hands Off)
  2. Oliver - Acid to the face - 0:00 (Chemical Reaction)
  3. Highgate - Fingers shredded off, Eye gouged out with Yo-yo by Oliver = 3:39 (Chemical Reaction)
  4. Miss Salmon - Straight up decapitated by Shelly with a Crowbar - 4:35 (The Old School Tie)
  5. Lucy Carter - Stabbed in the back 10x by Celine with a Crowbar, Burnt to death - 4:29 (Justice Is Served)
  6. Lucy's Mom - Stabbed in the chest 7x by Celine with a Crowbar, Burnt to death - 5:10 (Justice Is Served)

6 people died in Shelly Season 2, 2 more than from Season 1. The victims consisted of …

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 20 December 2024

Shelly Season 1 (2018) KILL COUNT

So much for a High School Reunion.

  1. Shelly Carter - Strangled to death with her tie (Revealed later) Strangled to death by Celine (Revealed in Hands Off) - 0:00 (2:23 for her real death) (Class Reunion)
  2. Lauren Chamberlin - Stabbed in the chin, Jaw ripped off by Shelly with a Crowbar - 3:42 (Class Reunion)
  3. Nikki Dalton - Heel slit open, Golf ball to the head that burst her brain open by Shelly - 3:56 (Achilles Heel)
  4. Heidi Atherton - Strangled to death by Shelly with a Crowbar - 2:52 (Best Friends Forever)

Only 4 people died in the Season 1 of Shelly and the rare time that I think didn't happen in the OG kill count, All of them were women. Meaning at lunch, We're having a cherry pie tonight.

  • I'll give the Golden Chainsaw for the coolest kill to Laure…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 20 December 2024

Death on the Beach (1991) KILL COUNT

First movie I watched on Shudder, It's very gay (Not in a negative way or anything)

  1. David's Teacher - Hit on the head with a box, Stabbed in the ass - 1:29
  2. Two of David's "Friends" - Fell off a cliff - 27:24
  3. Adriana - Fell out of a window - 35:25
  4. Tony - Stab to death by David in the shower - 1:04:32
  5. Prison Guard - Choked to death by Ruffo - 1:07:18
  6. David - Stabbed to death by Ruffo - 1:11:24
  7. Ruffo - Shot in the stomach? - 1:11:40

8 people died in Death on the Beach with most of the victims Male except for Adriana, who got hired to fuck David so at least we have a pie that David can enjoy, It's healthy for him okay. With a runtime of 77 minutes gives us a kill of average of 48 minutes and 27 seconds or every 48 minutes for sure, Still figuring it o…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 17 December 2024

Describing my Award Predictions in One sentence or more

It says what it says, I'll be describing my Golden Chainsaw or Dull Machete predictions or guesses over the years in one sentence or more or less. It's titled that just because there's some that are long so. Just to be clear, I'm chroniclizing it from the order of predictions I made in that timeframe on the blog or on the Killcount comment section on the Wiki so if you see a recent kill count in the middle of old ones, now you know.

  • Sleepaway Camp: Note to self: Don't trust the wiki.
  • Sleepaway Camp II: Unhappy Campers: It was hard to find something for this movie so I went into a Sleepaway Camp kills rank list and choose her because well, why not.
  • Sleepaway Camp III: Teenage Wasteland: My first GC prediction I got right.
  • Return To Sleepaway Ca…

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Baneofevil4 Baneofevil4 10 December 2024

Overview and Deaths for likely kill counts

Note: Will move to their respective posts when they get confirmed

  • 1 Smile 2 (2024) KILL COUNT
    • 1.1 Summary
    • 1.2 Kills
  • 2 The Toxic Avenger Series Continuation
    • 2.1 The Toxic Avenger Part II (1989) KILL COUNT
      • 2.1.1 Overview
      • 2.1.2 Deaths
    • 2.2 The Toxic Avenger III: The Last Temptation of Toxie (1989) KILL COUNT
      • 2.2.1 Overview
      • 2.2.2 Kills
    • 2.3 Citizen Toxie: The Toxic Avenger IV (2000) KILL COUNT
      • 2.3.1 Overview
      • 2.3.2 Kills
  • 3 Jurassic World: Dominion (2022) KILL COUNT
    • 3.1 Overview
    • 3.2 Kills
  • 4 An American Werewolf in London (1981) KILL COUNT
    • 4.1 Overview
    • 4.2 Kills
  • 5 Mortal Kombat Game Continuation
    • 5.1 Mortal Kombat (2019 video game) KILL COUNT
      • 5.1.1 Overview
      • 5.1.2 Kills
    • 5.2 Mortal Kombat 11: Aftermath (2020 DLC expansion) KILL COUNT
      • 5.2.1 Kills
    • 5.3 Mortal Kombat 1 (2023 video game) KILL COUNT
      • 5.3.1 Over…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 9 December 2024

JesseAndMike's Bring the Pain Series (2014-present) KILL COUNT

Used to watch it for the Injuries and stuff.

  • 1 Deaths
    • 1.1 Non Counted Deaths
  • 2 Numbers
    • 2.1 Awards

  1. Mike - Bled to death after getting the nail pulled out offscreen - 1:27 (NAIL IN HAND!)
  2. Mike (Again) - Dart stabbed through his head - 0:52-1:25 (DART IN HEAD!)
  3. Jesse - Mouth drilled to bits - 0:57 (CAVITY GETS DRILLED!)
  4. Jesse (Again) - Killed by his Mom offscreen - 1:49 (PENCIL IN HAND!)
  5. Jesse (3rd Time) - One shotted by Mike with a Golf Club - 1:19 (HUGE BUSTED LIP!)
  6. Jesse (4th Time) - Soul sucked by Ghost Girl in a box offscreen - 1:40 (DISLOCATED FINGER!)
  7. Jesse (5th Time) - Hit in the back of the head by Golf ball - 1:31 (GOLF BALL LODGED IN HEAD!)
  8. Mike (3rd Time) - Presumably died after getting stabbed by a nail - 1:41 (NAIL IN FOOT!)
  9. Mike (4th Time) - Bl…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 4 December 2024

Ranking Every Great Kill that didn't win the Golden Chainsaw of Each Year

Basically I put every selected great kill in my opinion that didn't win Golden Chainsaw and rank them for each year and again, the highest and lowest ones will be the Best and Worst Winners of the year. Remember, My opinion.

  • 1 Year 1
    • 1.1 Best and Worst Kill that didn't win the Golden Chainsaw of Year 1 (For better or for worse)
  • 2 Year 2
    • 2.1 Best and Worst Kill that didn't win the Golden Chainsaw of Year 2 (For better or for worse)
  • 3 Year 3
    • 3.1 Best and Worst Kill that didn't win the Golden Chainsaw of Year 3 (For better or for worse)
  • 4 Year 4
    • 4.1 Best and Worst Kill that didn't win the Golden Chainsaw of Year 4 (For better or for worse)
  • 5 Year 5
    • 5.1 Best and Worst Kill that didn't win the Golden Chainsaw of Year 5 (For better or for worse)
  • 6 Year 6
    • 6.1 Best and W…

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DeadMeatFan1500 DeadMeatFan1500 23 November 2024

Slumber Party Massacre (2021) KILL COUNT

|uploaded:=December 13th 2024|golden_chainsaw:=Sean |dull_machete:=Diane }}

Slumber Party Massacre (2021) KILL COUNT is the N/A episode of The Kill Count.

  • 1 Overview
  • 2 Deaths
    • 2.1 Counted Deaths
    • 2.2 Non-counted deaths

In 1993, Trish Devereaux is having a slumber party in a cabin in Holly Springs, California with friends Jackie, Kim, and Diane. After arriving to confront Trish, her ex-boyfriend Chad looks through a window, sees the girls dancing and begins to masturbate. Russ Thorn, a killer who uses a power drill, soon murders him. Russ then makes his way inside the cabin, killing Kim, Diane and Jackie in the process. After getting drilled through her hand, Trish hits Russ with an oar, sending him inside the lake. It is believed that Russ drowned, bu…

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Hazbin Hotel (2019-2024) KILL COUNT

Before you freak out at me, I will say that Vivziepop’s a very controversial person right now, but, like a YouTube channel I like called Cody Leach and his opinions on the first Jeepers Creepers, I am able to separate the art from the artist sometimes, and like the example I gave, I LOVE this show. But anyways, we’ll go through the pilot, then Dirty Healings, then A Day in The Afterlife, then the main show, and ending with Daisies. Also, SPOILERS!!! (Also, I’m the user formerly known as A123456768, whose Email stopped working.)

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A123456768 A123456768 3 November 2024

In A Violent Nature (2024) KILL COUNT

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Qaaad Qaaad 1 November 2024

The Incredible Story (2020-2024) Kill Count

|uploaded:=May 24, 2024|caption-image1=}}

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 26 October 2024

Anthology Segments Covered on the Kill Count that has a 100% Great Kills rate

These are segments from Anthologies covered on the Kill Count that has not enough bad kills in it's name. And no, Having a single best kill doesn't count.

  • 1 Trick 'r Treat
  • 2 Tales from the Hood
  • 3 Tales from the Hood 2
  • 4 Tales from the Hood 3
  • 5 V/H/S
  • 6 V/H/S/2
  • 7 V/H/S: Viral
  • 8 V/H/S/94
  • 9 V/H/S/99
  • 10 V/H/S/85
  • 11 V/H/S/Beyond
  • 12 The Ultimate Segment who have the most kills and not have a single bad one so far?
    • 12.1 Fur Babies (V/H/S/Beyond)
  • 13 List of Dull Machete Winner Segments
    • 13.1 Trick 'r Treat:
    • 13.2 Tales from the Hood:
    • 13.3 Tales from the Hood 2:
    • 13.4 Tales from the Hood 3:
    • 13.5 V/H/S:
    • 13.6 V/H/S/2:
    • 13.7 V/H/S: Viral:
    • 13.8 V/H/S/94:
    • 13.9 V/H/S/99:
    • 13.10 V/H/S/85:
    • 13.11 V/H/S/Beyond:

SKIPPED (The opening is the only one that has no bad kills, but it only has 1 kill so)

Rogue Cop Revelati…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 20 October 2024

Heavy is Dead (2019) KILL COUNT

Yep, The Heavy is dead

  1. Heavy - Shot by Engineer - 0:04
  2. Soldier - Crushed to a Wall by Ambulance - 0:59
  3. Heavy (Again) - Exploded after trying to be sent to heaven - 1:07
  4. Scout & His Mom - Car Crash - 1:37
  5. Medic - Incinerated by Car Explosion - 1:44
  6. Sniper - Shot by Demo Man - 1:55
  7. Demo Man - Shat himself - 2:12
  8. Engineer - Uno Reversed (Decapitated by Heavy's finger gun) - 2:34
  9. Spy - Hanged himself - 2:42

10 people died in Heavy is Dead with 9 males, 2 of them Heavys and 1 mom giving us the exact invert of team colors in this video. With a runtime of 2 minutes and 51 seconds gives us a kill on average of 1 minute and 39 seconds or 222.222 milliseconds

  • I'll give the golden chainsaw for the coolest kill in the skit to Heavy, the second time he died. I me…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 30 September 2024

Don't Move (2013) KILL COUNT

DoN't MoVe A mOlEcUlE, dAnNy PhAnToM iS uP nExT. rIgHt HeRe, On NiCkToOnS

  • Oujia Summoner guy (Graham?) - Heart ripped out offscreen during the opening credits - 0:18 (Body reveal at 1:27)
  • Jill - Disemboweled - 2:22
  • Sarah - Face scratched & Head impailed by Door hanger? - 6:53
  • Marc - Hole torn through - 8:49
  • Anna - Face ripped apart - 10:30

5 people died in Don't Move basically every main character in the film. The victims consisted of 2 males and 3 females, another female majority pie chart. With a runtime of 13 minutes and 56 seconds gives us a kill on average of 5 minutes and 46 seconds.

  • I'll give the Golden Chainsaw for the coolest kill of the short film to Anna obviously, James hyped up the kill when he promote it in a short and boy wasn't he…

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 30 September 2024

Miss Annity (2019) Kill Count

If you're insecure, You're fucked.

  1. Webbed up body - Seen covered in web spewing black stuff - 0:00 "Prim And Proper" (body reveal)
  2. Anna - Bifurcated by tape measure - 5:27 "Prim And Proper"
  3. Helen Annity - Suicide by Hanging - 0:00 "Baby On Board"
  4. Julia - Killed offscreen by Miss Annity - 5:48 "Baby on Board"
  5. Peter - Small skinned scratched or peeled off by Miss Annity - 6:33 "Baby on Board"
  6. Dan - Throat bitten out? - 5:42 "Kiss And Make Up" (body reveal)
  7. 3 webbed bodies - Seen admiring the lesson - 6:46 "Kiss And Make Up"

9 people died in Miss Annity, all because they're into their beliefs too much. The victims consisted of 2 men, 7 women and 1 nun looking body who's face is a silhouette for me to decipher. Meaning that we got a rare female majori…

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A123456768 A123456768 29 September 2024

My Personal 2020s Golden Chainsaws

Inspired by @Brandon Edgar. Also, SPOILERS!!! (Not finished yet)

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A123456768 A123456768 29 September 2024

My Personal 2010s Golden Chainsaws

Inspired by @Brandon Edgar. Also, SPOILERS!!! (Not finished yet)

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A123456768 A123456768 29 September 2024

My Personal 2000s Golden Chainsaws

Inspired by @Brandon Edgar. Also, SPOILERS!!! (Not finished yet)

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A123456768 A123456768 29 September 2024

My Personal ‘90s Golden Chainsaws

Inspired by @Brandon Edgar. Also, SPOILERS!!! (Not finished yet)

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A123456768 A123456768 29 September 2024

My Personal ‘80s Golden Chainsaws

Inspired by @Brandon Edgar. Also, SPOILERS!!! (Not finished yet)

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Justeddsworld102021 Justeddsworld102021 28 September 2024

Every Best & Worst Kill from each Anthology Segment covered on the Killcount

Basically the same way I end the rankings of Golden Chainsaw winners. I'll basically answer my opinion on which deaths are the Best and Worst kills in my opinion. If it only has 1 kill, I determined if it's a good kill or not. Just to note, That single kill won't ruin the short itself for me, It's always about the quality okay.

  • 1 Trick 'r Treat
    • 1.1 Opening:
    • 1.2 Principal:
    • 1.3 Halloween School Bus Massacre:
    • 1.4 Surprise Party:
    • 1.5 Conclusion:
  • 2 Tales from the Hood
    • 2.1 Rogue Cop Revelation:
    • 2.2 Boys Do Get Bruised:
    • 2.3 KKK Comeuppance:
    • 2.4 Hard-Core Convert:
    • 2.5 Welcome to My Mortuary:
  • 3 Tales from the Hood 2
    • 3.1 Good Golly:
    • 3.2 The Medium:
    • 3.3 Date Night:
    • 3.4 The Sacrifice:
    • 3.5 Robo Hell:
  • 4 Tales from the Hood 3
    • 4.1 Ruby Gates:
    • 4.2 The Bunker:
    • 4.3 Operatic:
    • 4.4 Dope Kicks:
    • 4.5 The Wrap A…

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